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Publishing through the Front-View Mirror: Asia Art Archive, Paper Matter, and Primary Information in conversation with Ingrid Pui Yee Chu

17 Jan 2020
2:30 - 3:45pm

Publishing through the Front-View Mirror: Asia Art Archive, Paper Matter, and Primary Information in conversation with Ingrid Pui Yee Chu

Representatives from international non-profit art organisations Asia Art Archive (Hong Kong), Paper Matter (Taiwan), and Primary Information (New York), converse with curator Ingrid Pui Yee Chu about how they eschew singular art historical narrative representations of time and place—instead, focusing on expanding the capacity for their archival, curatorial, pedagogical and promotional efforts with publishing, research, and knowledge building at their core, to reach audiences locally and further afield. 

Michelle Wong is Researcher at Asia Art Archive, where her research focuses on histories of exchange and circulation through exhibitions and periodicals. Her current archival projects include the Ha Bik Chuen Archive Project, and the Salima Hashmi Archive in Pakistan. She was Assistant Curator of 11th Edition of Gwangju Biennale (2016), and she independently runs the long term curatorial/collective project Sightlines with artist Wei Leng Tay. Her writing has been published in Ambitious Alignments: New Histories of Southeast Asian Art, 1945–1990 (2018), Oncurating and Ocula Magazine. She is a 2019 Pernod Ricard fellow at Villa Vassilieff & Bétonsalon, Centre for Art and Research, Paris. She is currently developing of series of episodes around the deliberation of discursive justice with Lantian Xie and Kabelo Maltsie, as part of Yokohama Triennale 2020, artistically directed by Raqs Media Collective.

Yin-Chin Tsai is a curator and book artist, lives and works in Taipei at present. Artists’ books and photography Installation are his core creation, he also focuses on the topological relationship and activeness of self-memory and historical space. He is the founder of “PAPER MATTER ” established in 2018 which is an artistic institution dedicating itself to study and promote aesthetic, practice and knowledge construction of Artists’ books first in Taiwan to rediscover the possibility of the book and publication as artistic practice, and to explore the future and development of these media in Asia by means of the activities of collection research, curatorial practice, publication plan, course lecture and workshop. Recent curatorial practices are The Deployment of Pages: The Possibility of (beyond) a Book as Artistic Practice (2019, Taipei), Micro-traces: Books as the Continuous Landscape of Life (2019, Taipei), Back to Pages: Artists’ Books(2018, Shanghai).

Matthew Walker is a Director of Primary Information, a nonprofit publisher of new and historical artists' books, where he has worked since 2016 alongside Director/Co-Founder James Hoff. He has ten years of experience working with New York City nonprofit arts institutions, previously serving as Development Director for experimental music and performance space ISSUE Project Room from 2009 - 2015.

Ingrid Pui Yee Chu is a Hong Kong born contemporary art curator and writer with experience at leading museums and non-profit organisations including Asia Art Archive; M+; and Tai Kwun Contemporary in Hong Kong, as well as Creative Time, New York; The Noguchi Museum, Long Island City; The Power Plant, Toronto; and CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco. Chu founded RED-I Projects, an independent curatorial platform in 2004, and co-founded Forever & Today, a non-profit curatorial initiative in New York in 2008. Chu was a 2012 Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant Program Art Writing Workshop participant, and her writing has been featured in Afterall, Fillip, Frieze, Frieze Masters, Kaleidoscope, Kaleidoscope Asia, LEAP, Ocula, Performa Magazine, TimeOut New York, Walker Art Center Magazine, and Yishu among other international contemporary art and culture publications.
