Wet feet __ dry feet: borders and games

Screening of Sandlines, the Story of History (2018–2020)

Wet feet __ dry feet: borders and games

Pak Sheung Chuen: Wandering on the Borders of the Map

Screening of Sandlines, the Story of History (2018–2020)

Conversation with Francis Alÿs and Screening of Sandlines, the Story of History (2018–2020)

Date & Time

7 Jan 2021 8pm-9pm


JC Cube


Free of charge


Programme Postponement Notice

The programme “Screening of Sandlines, the Story of History (2018–2020)” to be held on 11 Dec has been postponed until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.

Francis Alÿs’s first feature film Sandlines (2018–20) will be screen; the film was produced in collaboration with the Iraq-based Ruya Foundation and Julien Devaux. Alÿs worked together with children from a small village in the Nineveh province of Iraq in enacting a century of Iraqi history—from the secret 1916 Sykes/Picot agreement between France and the UK, to the state of terror wielded by the Islamic State in 2016. The children were invited to revisit their past through a role play supported by modest props. This film has been selected for Sundance, International Film Festival of Rotterdam, FID Marseille, among others.

Still from Sandlines, the Story of History, Francis Alÿs