Cine Fan Feb Programmes

Date & Time

8 - 23 Feb, 2020 Please refer to the programme timetable


JC Cube




Programme Changes Notice

The screening venue of “HKIFF Cine Fan Feb Programmes” to be held on 22 & 23 Feb at Tai Kwun have been changed. Please visit for details and ticketing arrangement and contact organizer at 2970 3300 for enquiries.

Thank you for your understanding.

Cine Fan will kick off 2020 with an exciting line-up:

  • “Life is But an Illusion: The Cinema of Naruse Mikio”: a retrospective of 12 of his classic works, some rarely shown in Hong Kong, housed under the roof of three creative themes
  • “The Dreamlike Tableau of Sergei Parajanov”: four feature films and three short films in the selection, all restored, including SHADOWS OF FORGOTTEN ANCESTORS and his most acclaimed masterpiece THE COLOR OF POMERANTES;
  • “The Golden Age” section: German maestro Ernst Lubitsch’s Hollywood production, TROUBLE IN PARADISE, and Hollywood director Blake Edwards’s THE PINK PANTHER, two romance heists that sparkle with wit and humor.

Cancelled | The English Patient

Cancelled | Feminine Melancholy

Cancelled | Tsuruhachi and Tsurujiro

Cancelled | Lost in Translation

Cancelled | The Song Lantern

Cancelled | Wife

Cancelled | The Color of Pomegranates

Cancelled | Trouble in Paradise

Cancelled | The Pink Panther

Cancelled | The Flow of Evening

Cancelled | As a Wife, As a Woman

Cancelled | The Legend of Suram Fortress

The full programmes and ticket discounts are now available at official website. Tickets available from 12 December onwards at URBTIX.

The above contents are provided by Hong Kong International Film Festival Society